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What Gets Measured Gets Managed>

We believe you should have an idea of the value you are getting from your digital assets. 

To help you do that we provide you with a few options: 

1/ If we build you a website, we provide you with an easy to read set of analytics either weekly or monthly depending on your needs. This is especially useful if you don't have a google analytics account. If you do have a Google Analytics account, we can apply your code to your website, giving you two sets of website analytics. 

2/ Once you create an account with us, you get an Executive report generated for you. You can also opt for an online health report if you wish. These reports give you information about the state of your online presence, from reviews to listings and more. The reports also give you actionable insights on how to address any issues identified. The more information you provide on your account profile, the more comprehensive the reports will be. If you tell us who your main competitors are, we can even give you info about them! 

3/ Some of our individual products, such as our SEO, and Cyber Security products also give you analytics on the performance of those products. If you're not getting actionable insights from your existing digital solutions, it sounds like now is a good time to switch.

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